1 Upland Rd
Lisbon, Me 04250
694 Main St.
Lewiston, ME 04240
Marijuana edibles are treats that are infused with cannabis. These are a great alternative for those who want the effects of medical marijuana without having to smoke to achieve those benefits. We are well known for our edibles at Crystal Spring Healing Alternatives and are proud to make many of our treats in house! Our edible line includes everything from gummies and lollipops to candy bars and homemade chocolate peanut butter cups.
When taking edibles, it’s important to remember that the desired effects are not quick or immediate, such as they are with smoking. Edibles are digested in the stomach, and they have to reach the bloodstream during this process before you will feel the effects. So, it can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes to start feeling the effects. But once they begin, they’re there to stay for a few hours. The effects can last anywhere from six to eight hours after ingestion.
Our edibles not only provide you with the relief you’re looking for, but they taste great, too! Just remember to only consume what you need at a time; we know they can be hard to resist.
If you’re interested in trying edibles or finding a new treat to enjoy, come by our wellness center or visit our online store! We provide our products to Lewiston, Lisbon, and Auburn, ME!
Lewiston Open Mon thru Sat: 9:00am–9:00pm and Sun: 10:00am-6:00pm
Lisbon Open Mon-Wed 9:00am-6:00pm Thurs-Fri 9:00am-7pm Sat: 10:00am-5pm
Stop by Today! Open Mon thru Sat: 9:30am –9:00pm and Sun: 10:00am -6:00pm
Lewiston store:
694 Main St., Lewiston, ME 04240
Lisbon Store:
1 Upland Rd Lisbon, Me 04250